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USP-51 In-Circuit Emulator

Signum Systems

Type :
Last Update:

MCS(R) 51/151/251 Microcontrollers FX
12/11/96 2:06:00 PM

Vendor Information

Tool Description:

USP-51 offers true real time in-circuit development and debugging in machine code, assembler source, and High Level Language (HLL) modes. It is supplied with both DOS and Windows 3.1/95/NT user interfaces hosted on a PC over a standard serial port.
USP-51 comes with 64 KB of code memory (256 KB banking model is optional), 64 KB of Xdata memory, source level debugger for C, PL/M and ASM, 80 bit wide by 32 K deep trace, and a sophisticated Graphical Event Triggering System (GETS). GETS uses a combination of address and data comparators, 8-level sequencer, external probes, and two pass counters to create almost any complex trigger condition by selecting objects with a mouse on the graphical screen.
The zero-wait-state, dual-ported emulation memory allows the user full read/write access to program and Xdata memory without slowing down the running micro-controller. Watching and modifying the variables and parameters may be done without stopping the processor and causing target system to lose control or synchronization.
Selective tracing of only the meaningful data is easily achieved with the aid of our Graphical Event Triggering System. A 32- bit time stamp displays exact time relationships between instructions and routines in absolute, relative, and delta modes.
The HLL debugger provides support for all of the popular C and PL/M compilers. Unlimited number of breakpoints and pass-points may be set or cleared with a mouse, by simply clicking on the desired instruction in the Source window. You can watch variables change on-the-fly, and zoom in on any member of a complex structure with a click of a mouse.
Emulation CPU is mounted on a probe assembly as close as possible to target system for the best possible emulation.

Tool Features:

  • Non-Intrusive Emulation Up to 42 MHz

  • On-The-Fly Access to Overlay Memory

  • Support for 3V Devices

  • HLL Debug for C and PL/M

  • 32K Trace Buffer With Time Stamp

  • Complex Hardware Breakpoints

  • Performance Analysis Graphs

  • Execution Coverage Monitor

  • Windows and DOS User Interface

  • PC Hosted Over a Serial Port

  • Development Platform(s):

    PC (486 or Pentium), Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows NT, or DOS

    File Attachments:

    59.PDF - Electronic catalog page

    Supported Device Detail Matrix:

    Part & Package


    8XC51FX - 40ldPDIP
    8XC51FX - 44ldPLCC
    8XC51FX - 44ldQFP


    Vendor Information:

    Signum Systems

    11992 Challenger Court
    Moorpark , CA 93021
    (805) 523-9774

    Email :
    Fax : (805) 523-9776
    Toll Free : (800) 838-8012
    URL :

    Contact the vendor above for the latest Distributor information

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